TH9 Max Levels and Th9 upgrade guide (2024) th9 max hero levels and all the buildings

Town Hall Builder Hall Clan Capital

TH7 TH8 TH9 TH10 TH11 TH12 TH13 TH14 TH15

War Trophy Farming Troll Progress Max Level


How long does it take to max town hall 9?

It takes 1 month and 15 days without a magic potion.


Max level of king and queen in TH9

Here is the max level barbarian king th9 and max level archer queen TH9.

COC TH9 Max Heroes Levels
TH9 max Barbarian King 30
Th9 max Archer Queen 30


COC TH 9 Max Dark Spells
COC TH 9 Max Dark Spells Levels
Poison Spell 3
Earthquake Spell 3
Haste Spell 2


COC TH9 Max Spells Levels
Light Spell 6
Healing Spell 6
Rage Spell 5
Jump Spell 1
Freeze Spell 2


COC TH9 Max Dark Troops Levels
Minion 5
Hog Rider 5
Valkyrie 4
Golem 4
Witch 2
Lava Hound 2


COC max town hall 9 Troops Levels
Barbarian 6
Archer 6
Giant 6
Goblin 6
Wall Breaker 5
Balloon 6
Wizard 6
Healer 4
Dragon 4
Baby Dragon 2


COC max town hall 9 Max Traps Levels
Bomb 6
Spring Trap 3
Air Bomb 4
Giant Bomb 3
Seeking Air Mine 2
Skelton Trap 3


COC TH9 Max Army Buildings Levels
Barracks 11
Army Camp 7
Spell Factory 4
Laboratory 7
Clan Castle 5
Dark Barracks 5
Dark Spell Factory 4


COC TH9 Max Defenses Levels
Cannon 11
Archer Tower 11
Mortar 7
Air Defense 7
Wizard Tower 7
Air Sweeper 5
Hidden Tesla 7
Bomb Tower 3
X-Bow 3
Walls 9


COC TH9 Max Resource Buildings Level
Elixir Collector 12
Gold Mine 12
Elixir Storage 11
Gold Storage 11
Dark Elixir Drill 6
Dark Elixir Storage 6


However, the game even alerts me to the existence of a gold pass down there. don’t forget about it, Come on, villager. Alright, so we have Clash of Clans th9 max levels in there. Let’s get the pass and then use the gem to receive the 20% discount in coc max th 9.

Although I will have to spend gems for the past, it will end up being less expensive in the long run. This time, I promise not to forget the magic goods in coc max th 9.

Let me check on my phone okay, so it switches to runes, which if I am not upgrading the storage to the maximum level might not be the best value for th 9 max hero level.

For example, the Rune of Gold, which I do need to remember to move back into this screen for there we go look at 50 million gold here at Town Hall 9 max base. It appears it somewhat caps off at this level. I believe I will hold off on using the packs until I need them in Clash of Clans th9 max levels, at which point I will decide on army camp bars Oh, I see that you have builders working on various projects, and we need at least one of them on to max hero level th9.

coc th9 max

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