Clash Of Clans Skeleton Park Level 1 Layout With Copy Link

Town Hall Builder Hall Clan Capital


Capital Peak Barbarian-Camp Wizard Velly Balloon Lagoon Builder Workshop Dragon Cliff Golem Quarry Skeletan Parks

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5

Here are some details about the skeleton park level 1 with layouts.

While attacking Skeleton Park base layouts level 1 first thing we need to do is to carve our way through to snipe it off with a bunch of super archers but now you can just use a super dragon in this example we tried using a frost spell and a heal spell but the fact that I took it down quite easily

Skeleton Parks level 2 Layout

As you all know skeletons are spawned by the witches in a clash of clans so skeletons do not have any housing space and super witches can spawn big size Skeletons.


Clash Of Clan Skeleton Park Layout Level 1 Base

We thought let’s just try with the frost. We don’t think it is a coincidence that the Skeleton Park base layouts level 1 does not take out the super dragon in one shot.



We are pretty sure Clash of Clans must have planned it that way and yes you can see that we do take down a Skeleton Park base lvl 1 layout with one super Dragon Inside the ridge I mean I am going to be using that every single raid weekend the new graveyard spell is equally upgraded to level 1 and by upgrading the spell it increases the Effectiveness of spell in Skeleton Park level 1 base.

People have some sort of questions regarding Skeleton Park. bases here are the most popular questions regarding Skeleton Park Level 1 base layouts with links. Thanks for visiting the COC Skeleton Park Level 1 Layout With Links.

How to unlock Skeleton Park Level 1?
To unlock Skeleton Park you have to upgrade Capital Peak.

How many levels are needed to unlock Skeleton Park lvl 1?
Only one level is needed to unlock Skeleton Park.

How many buildings are there in Skeleton Park level 1?
It depends on which level you are if you are less level then the number of buildings is less.

How much does it cost to upgrade Skeleton Park?
It cost around 100k to upgrade Skeleton Park.


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