Top 14+ Wizard Valley level 3 layout with links

Town Hall Builder Hall Clan Capital


Capital Peak Barbarian-Camp Wizard Velly Balloon Lagoon Builder Workshop Dragon Cliff Golem Quarry Skeletan Parks

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5

I think it didn’t do much at level one, but as we upgrade the Wizard Valley level 2 layout, its radius increases to six tiles. We still get the three stars and our bonus medals for using that Super Dragon, but I think we should just go ahead and start the upgrades of the Wizard Valley level 2 layout.

Wizard Valley level 3 bases

since they are reasonably priced for the first few levels and, as I mentioned in my gaming every hero equipment of Wizard Valley level 3 layout, I almost managed to get the rage spell in time to try and keep my root Riders on track to the center. Now, let’s wait until the town hall is active in the Wizard Valley level 3 base layout.

Wizard Valley level 3 bases#1
There are some upgrade thresholds. The first one for the fireball is at Wizard Valley level 3 layout, which is because the area damage has increased from four tiles to five tiles.

So far, we haven’t had to purchase anymore, but we still have 18 levels left. One more root rider attack to use up the Army, and then I will teach you a super dragon attack for this event.

Let me start my queen charge across to the right. You do want to make sure you are upgrading your equipment evenly in the Wizard Valley level 3 layout, so I wouldn’t upgrade the fireball to its maximum level until you have upgraded everything else.

How to attack Wizard Valley level 3 layout and Wizard Valley level 3 attacks tips and tricks

Super Dragon on the side we’re in, let’s see what we can do. We want to free the queen from this side as well, allowing her to advance to the Wizard Valley level 3 base copy link.

I don’t want to use the ability too soon because we need to use the healing tomb efficiently, but the fireball goes to the closest defense, so we want to try and hit the monolith with that. Alright, we hit the Wizard Valley level 3 layout, damaging the Expo. Did you notice that the Queen is suffering significant damage there?

If so, we’ll need to quickly recover her, as she’s lost her ability so my Archer Queen.

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