Ther best and Top 15+ Capital Peak Level 10 Bases with copy link clash of clans.

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Capital peak level 10 base

capital peak level 10 layout link

The Capital Peak Level 10 layout link has Splash around the base, which just like a Capital Peak Level 10 layout link you want to ensure is spread out and much like what I talked about back at the Capital Peak Level 10 base, you always want to make sure your Inferno towers are set multi-mode.

There are many different ways to try and defend, which is what I love about Clash: the variety and strategy for capital peak level 10 layout link. One question that is frequently asked is why compartments are left open, and the answer is related to wall breaker pathing.

Capital peak level 10 base

Sometimes we have tank-style like a lava hound, which is purely meant to stall your opponent to try and make them time fail but also allow the defences longer time to deal damage in capital peak level 10 layout link. Other times, depending on the layout, you might have high-damage troops in there like a good base.

How to attack Capital Peak level 10 base?

The wall-breakers Having openings in many of the walls means that wall-breakers might not target where your opponent thinks they will in the capital peak level 10 layout link.

Whenever you can throw your opponent off guard and cause their attacks to deviate, you’ll always have a much better chance of defending capital peak level 10 layout link and right out of the gates. Wall breakers target buildings inside closed compartments.

I must admit that I enjoy this capital peak level 10 base. However, be prepared for a lot of cunning goblin attacks as you try to persuade them to target the storage. Usually, people carry super Wall breakers with them, asking questions like how to even wall break to the black elixir storage in the first place.

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