These are the best capital peak level 8 layout links for the 2024 Clash of Clans.

Town Hall Builder Hall Clan Capital


Capital Peak Barbarian-Camp Wizard Velly Balloon Lagoon Builder Workshop Dragon Cliff Golem Quarry Skeletan Parks

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10

capital peak level 8 layout

capital peak level 8 layout

These are the best capital peak level 8 layout links for the 2024 Clash of Clans.

I mentioned earlier that the dragons are very strong at the capital peak level 8 layout link, so how do you defend them? Well, with this layout, you can see the giant bomb and small bomb combinations on the outside of the base because the common approach with witches is to walk some into the middle.

I must admit that I like the design of the capital peak level 8 layout link bases. Sometimes you look at a base and you just don’t even know how to start attacking it, that’s when you know it’s a good design. But let’s talk about the war base specifically because, as I mentioned earlier, how do you defend the powerful witches there in the capital peak level 8 layout link?

In addition to the splash damage just on the inside of the capital peak level 8 layout link, we also have the Tesla on the inside for additional DPS. Anyone hoping just to spam witches against your base is going to have a much harder time.

However, with the other witches flanking the outside and no defences on the perimeter of the base even with the mortars on the inside, the golems cannot walk down the flanks to set those traps ahead of the capital peak level 8 layout link, leaving them incredibly vulnerable.

When it comes to capital peak level 8 layout links, a common question is whether to use them in single or multi-mode for farming and trophy pushing.

How to attack capital peak level 8 layout?

There some easy strategy given below.

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