Now enjoy The best TH15 Max Levels list (updated) and Th15 upgrade guide.

Town Hall Builder Hall Clan Capital

TH7 TH8 TH9 TH10 TH11 TH12 TH13 TH14 TH15 TH16

War Trophy Farming Troll Progress Max Level


If you are wondering about how long it takes to max out town hall 15? Here is the list of the troops, heroes, buildings, pets, and all that in the max th15 levels list.

These are the TH15 max levels list with a copy link. This coc th15 max levels base link 2024.

After seeing the max level of all the resource buildings, it’s time to see the max level of th15 max hero level. royal champion max level th15 is also given.

Both Barbarian King and Archer Queen have a max level of level 90. Royal Champion has a max level of 40. Grand warden has a max level of level 70.

coc heroes max level th15 Max level
Barbarian King max level th15 90
Archer Queen max level th15 90
Royal Champion max level th15 40
Grand Warden max level th15 70

The best hero pet combo coc th15.

My personal best hero pet combo coc th15 is given below it may not be helpful to you but here it is.

Barbarian King TH15 max -here best pet is max Mighty Yalk

Archer Queen TH15 max- Max unicorn would be best

Royal Champion max level th15- The max spirit fox

Grand Warden max level th15- The max owl


We’ll discuss th15 upgrade order in a moment. The next issue is that we only have six minions, so we have to get everything done quickly. Additionally, we only have two tool hounds, so that’s what we don’t have too.

Th15 max siege machines

Stone Slammer 5
Wall Wrecker 5


TH15 max spells

Clone Spell 8
Recall Spell 4
Poison Spell 9
Bat Spell 6
Lightning Spell 10
Jump Spell 5
Healing Spell 9
Skeleton Spell 8


Th15 max Troops Levels
Barbarian 11
Archer 11
Electro Dragon 6
Apprentice Warden 4
Healer 8
Ice Golem 7
Hog Rider 12
Miner 9
Dragon 10
Electro Titan 3
Yeti 5
Bowler 7
Wizard 11
Wall Breaker 11
Baby Dragon 9
Goblin 9
Witch 6
Valkyrie 10
Minion 11
Golem 12
Giant 11


TH15 max Pet Max Level
Mighty Yak 15
Frosty 10
Diggy 10
Poison Lizard 10
Phoenix 10


Th15 max Buildings Level
Laboratory 13
Blacksmith 8
Barracks 17
Monolith 2
Spell Tower 3
Army Camps 12
Clan Castle 11
Elixir Storage 16
Gold Storage 16
Dark Elixir Storage 10
Pet House 8
Workshop 7
Giga Inferno (Town Hall) 5
Eagle Artillery 6
Scattershot 4
Inferno Tower 9
Builder’s Hut 5
X-Bow 10
Air Defense 13
Archer Tower 21
Cannon 21
Wizard Tower 15
Hidden Tesla 14
Bomb Tower 10
Mortar 15
Walls 16
Bomb 11
Air Bomb 10
Giant Bomb 9
Seeking Air Mine 5


When you’re starting the lalo, you can use the baby dragons to take the Archer towers from the outside while simultaneously dropping dunes on the TH15 max level because you only have two hounds on this army camp.


That’s – lava hounds and 35 loons in your CC you’re bringing one Schlemmer and even more lumens so you have about 43 loons total and that’s insane especially when you have your coc max th15 for sale.

Just like there are so many loons grouping up in the end that the defenses just can’t handle it and if you’re lucky that you say over here is my left well then the loons will never die in that base so that’s the fact.

So that’s the main idea of this attack’s spells. We have one heal, but just make sure that if we don’t have the warn ability to, say, help the loons through a few refer towers or something similar, then we can use the heal spell at the same time we have to freeze, as we used it on the tower for example or somewhere else, like enemy Queen and stuff like this. We also have a poison, and if our heroes don’t lose the CC with

It’s terrible versus pretty much any other army, such as Queen Charges. When it comes to high spells, just make sure that your loons are like speeding through the base to skeleton spells if you want to.

If you want to mix one skill and spell with an earthquake, but I’m referring to the skeleton spells right now because normally I have the like it’s pretty easy for me to deal with them. Dragons aren’t good in the defence of CC generally so not that many people using it so everything else you can just kill with one poison

I don’t know I never really saw the bed ring did a lot of work so I’m more afraid of the eight loons but let’s look at the attacks I have now. You usually either have the percentage or you can use the slammer for that which is why it is easier in my opinion than in your CC like I said a lockup of seven or eight loons adds rage to what you can do as well as you can bring only six Nunes and want a baby dragon.


Here is the max level of th15 resource buildings in 2023. As you can see there is only one level increase in storage buildings and no increase in level in all the mines, drill, and collector buildings.

COC TH15 Resource Buildings max levels    
Elixir collector 16  
Gold Mine 16  
Elixir storage 16  
Gold Storage 16  
Dark Elixir Drill 9  
Dark elixir storage 9  
Th15 max heroes

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